The RŌL Radio’s quest to get all of the BJJ Dirty Dozen on the podcast continues with Rigan Machado’s first American black belt, Bob Bass.
Bob first began his training with Rickson Gracie and then became hugely influential under Rigan Machado. On this episode, Bob describes the early days of training with the Gracies and Machados, his influence on Rigan when Rigan opened his first academy in the United States, his legendary matches against the best in the world, and a ton more.
Follow the link below and listen to episode #164 The RŌL Radio with Dirty Dozen member, 6th-degree black belt, and owner of South Bay Jiu-Jitsu Academy, Bob Bass.
www.rolacademy.tv 30% discount with ROLRADIO code at checkout. Over 1000 videos for your Jiu-Jitsu journey.
https://blackbeltlegacy.com/ https://blackbeltlegacy.com/rigan-machado-studen/bob-bass/ https://www.instagram.com/southbay_jiujitsu/?hl=en